The Riding Blog

A.K.A. "Michael's Meanderings"

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Get Out of the Arena goals psychology theory tips May 10, 2024
I've said this before and I'll say it again: get your horse out of the perfectly manicured arenas.
It will contribute to their cross training, their soundness, their confidence, and so...
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Opinions Part 2: Curiosity Versus Certainty goals psychology theory May 09, 2024

Opinions: Part 2

Things your trainer probably hasn't taught you.
The worst trait you can have is certainty.
Now  you may find that ridiculous. You may be asking: "But people who...
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The Demands of Top Level Riding dressage goals psychology theory May 08, 2024
What is true top level riding?
Let's take executing a flying change for example.
Sure, some horses are to the point where they can execute a flying change just by you haphazardly...
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Perspective goals mental health psychology theory May 06, 2024
"You can complain because a rose bush has thorns. Or you can rejoice because a thorn bush has roses."
Perspective is everything, isn't it?
You'll find that the happiest and most...
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The True Cost of Horses psychology tips Feb 12, 2024

Every now and then, I've had an interesting conversation with another horse person about the cost of something to do with horses. 

It frequently goes along the lines of them saying that...

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Analysis Paralysis Part 2 goals psychology theory tips Feb 07, 2024

So in the previous blog post (read here if you haven't), we talked about what analysis paralysis is, how it affects our riding, and why we should avoid it.

But now you're probably...

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Analysis Paralysis Part 1 psychology theory tips Feb 06, 2024

This has been a frequent item I've addressed in lessons I've taught, as well as something that I have to work to overcome myself.

In a nutshell, the term "analysis paralysis" is used to convey a...

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How an NBA Player Means a Lot to Your Riding goals psychology theory tips Jan 31, 2024

Today I want to talk about retired NBA player Brian Scalabrine.

You probably don’t know his name, or if you do, it is for all the wrong reasons.

He played in the NBA from 2001 to 2012 and was...

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Being Aware of Your Energy Around Horses psychology Dec 28, 2023

There's a meme that makes its way around social media every now and then. It says: 

"Life with horses: Only one of you gets to freak out at a time, and it's never your turn."


While it's...

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Change Your Mindset Around Embarrassment with Horses mental health psychology tips Dec 09, 2023

It is just a plain fact that if you ride horses, you will have bad days.

You will have bad rides.

You will fall off.

This sport is too demanding, too technical, too difficult, and relies on not...

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A Happy Horse is a Better Performing Horse goals mental health psychology tips Dec 01, 2023

There are so many directions and ideas on this subject, but let's start here with this brutally honest fact:

If you want to get the best out of your horse, they need to be happy.

A happy horse will...

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Thursday Thoughts - 3 Things You Need to Succeed in Life (and Horses) goals psychology Aug 31, 2023
Thursday thoughts:
There are three things you need in order to succeed in life (and horses):
The ability to not give up on something until it works,
The ability to give up on...
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Psychology Sunday - Trying New Things psychology Aug 27, 2023
Psychology Sunday:
Keeping it very simple, but very profound today:
You don't get to a new destination by taking the same path you always take.
Use that at your...
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"Horse Show" versus "Competition" psychology Aug 16, 2023

"Horse Show" versus "Competition"


The past few years, I've tried to make a conscious effort to stop saying the phrase "Horse show" and instead say "competition".

It's a natural occurrence in...

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Confidence Versus Bravery - There is a Difference psychology Aug 10, 2023

Confidence vs Bravery 


When people find out I'm an upper level eventer, they somewhat frequently say something along the lines of "Oh wow, I could never be that brave". And on its...

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The Importance of a Growth Mindset mental health psychology Aug 09, 2023

The Importance of a Growth Mindset


Adopt the growth mindset, not the fixed mindset.

With a growth mindset, you're always capable of broadening your views and abilities.

Don't say "I'm not...

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Psychology Sunday - Positivity and Mental Health mental health psychology Aug 06, 2023

This was a picture I posted a long time ago showing how much wear Jack’s shoes and nails took in one cycle.


But it’s also a very apt example to help me explain a mental tool you...

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